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Yo, wtf is goin' on with these wildfires everywhere? Half the planet’s burnin' and no one gives a shit.
No kidding, dude. It’s like every year the fires get worse, and these politicians just sit on their asses. Same recycled bullshit speeches.
Bruh, they don’t care. As long as they’re making bank, they’ll let the whole world turn to ash. "Thoughts and prayers" my ass.
Exactly. They act all shocked every time like they didn’t see it comin'. Bitch, it’s been happenin’ for years! Just fix it already!
Lmao, fix it? Good luck with that. These assholes couldn’t even fix a pothole, let alone the goddamn climate. We’re so fucked.
True. Might as well stock up on marshmallows and enjoy the bonfire. World’s ending, might as well get a front-row seat.
For real, though. At this point, I’m just here for the memes. Everything’s so fucked, you gotta laugh to keep from crying.
Yup, memes are the only thing keeping me sane. That and the occasional blackout drunk night. Gotta cope somehow.
Amen to that, brother. We’re all just passengers on this sinking ship, might as well drink and meme until we hit the bottom.
Replies: >>65
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