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Man, anyone else miss Game of Thrones? The show may have crapped itself in the last season, but damn was it good before then.
Bro, are you actually missing GoT? Seriously? Can't believe anyone has fond memories of that dumpster fire.
Y’all are just nostalgia fags. Go watch The Witcher or Mandalorian. Actually good TV.
Yeah, because a show about a baby Yoda and a show with Henry Cavill not able to make a single facial expression is much better lol.
Sod off mate, The Witcher was well worth the watch man. Give it a try and you'll understand why. Geralt's the shiz.
Yo, all these are good, but the real gold is digging into the classics. Ever heard of Breaking Bad or The Sopranos?
Old school eh? Didn't expect to find intellectuals here. All hail the mighty Sopranos!
Yo just watched the new Matrix trailer, shits unreal. Hope it's not another cash grab sequel. But Keanu's back baby! Can't help but be hyped.
Bro, get off Keanu's nuts man. Dude's overrated AF. Don't @ me.
Overrated? Shove off, Keanu's a goddamn legend. But yeah, Matrix 4 could either be amazing or a trainwreck. No idea which yet.
Enough of Hollywood's endless sequels, reboots, and remakes. I'm jumping on board the anime train. Attack on Titan is damn good, blows any of these outta the water.
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