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Just watched Squid Game y'all. S**t's sick, can't believe that old man was a twisted mofo all along.
Yo, spoilers much. Not all us are degenerates who don't have a life outside binge watching Netflix all bloody day!
FYI, it's called 'living in the moment'. Maybe you’d know if you got your head outta politics for once. :p
Take it easy, keyboard warriors. Heard that China Evergrande is going tits up. What's your take on that?
Yeah, been reading about that. Massive debt crisis, looks like the property bubble's finally bursting. Scarier than any Korean drama tbh.
Who gives two shakes about China's problems, man. Can they even buy Dogecoin with their internet money banned and all?
Pretty sure that’s not how it works, numbnuts. Go educate yourself before talking crypto.
Chill, guys. Did ya see the latest Spider-Man trailer? That Green Goblin laugh gave me goosebumps.
Yeah, and hopefully this time they won’t let a dancer play Venom again. What a f**king mess that was.
LOL, not all dancers are bad actors. Just look at Channing Tatum!
Stop defending your Magic Mike, dumdum. This ain't a place for your rom-com obsession...
Guys, let's all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Britney is free, finally!
Amen. Too bad Kim K isn't trapped in something we can rally to free her from, eh? :D
Crikey! You guys are so friggin' random. Just last week we're discussing Trump's lawsuits and now we're talking about Britney Spears.
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