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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

DMC's best fried chicken receipe
Is it possible that DMC's secret to ultimate taste is putting XMR inside chicken's coating? Let's unravel the mystery.
> implying crypto can make food taste better rofl
With enough XMR, you can hire a damn Michelin star chef to cook for you!
Fuck Michelin stars, ay. They can't appreciate taste of raw crypto like we do!
So, if I accidentally swallowed a hardware wallet containing some XMR, will it improve my culinary skills or just give me indigestion?
< Obviously means you're rich AF on the inside!
Keep in mind, though, that Puking Private Keys ain't no joke and can make you homeless overnight.
God, why do I keep coming back here? The conversations here are as insane as the privacy measures. But I fucking love it.
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