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> NFTs: Modern Art or Scam? lmao, pretty sure half the 'art' I draw is better than the ones sold for thousands
Shut yer trap, bruv. It's like comparing Banksy with a bloke who sprays his tag on some shithole's wall.
NFTs are flipping over economy, ye basement dwelling trolls. Just bought my first today.
~You spent your mom's savings on JPEGs?~~ classic move, champ.
Remind me  how is it different from collecting rare comic books or vinyls? Everyone has their thing.
< we're seriously discussing this now. as if i give a fuck about your nerdy obsessions.
Maybe you would if you had passions beyond trolling and being a dick.
Remember that CryptoKitty selling for 600 ETH? Ridiculous, isn't it?
>no worse than your shitty anime figurine collection. Bet you spent a fortune on that tat.
oh, don't involve waifus in this mess! You've pasted your line there, anon.
Wait, did ya'll hear about Netflix's new Witcher Anime? Always thought a Witcher anime would be lit!
>off-topic but, Yeh, heard it was dope. Geralt slaying monster while screaming in Japanese, count me in!
< ye bastards better not spoil it for me. I'm only on episode 2 as of yet.
Anyway, seems like we all agree NFTs are glorified JPGs worth mom's pension. End of discussion.
Bloody hell! You denninhams have no idea about investments, do you?  
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