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Anyone else seen Squid Game yet? Craziest thing I've binged in a while.
So damn good! Feels like the Koreans are really stepping up their TV game.
Koreans HAVE been upping their game for years, you're just now catching on. The plot is like a maze, surprises at every turn.
Can we talk about that old man though!? 001 was the realest character on there. Nearly teared up at his end.
Bro, not gonna lie, that scene effed me up. Damn plot twists.
No spoiler alerts? C'mon man, I was just about to start the show!
LOL sorry dude, should've dropped a spoiler alert. But trust me it won't ruin the thrill. Still tons to discover.
I'm more curious about the reception in Korea. Do they view it as critically as we do or nah?
Last I read, itโ€™s kinda mixed. Some love it, some think it's too violent. Politics, ya know.
Ah, that narrows it down ๐Ÿ˜‚ In any case, I'm here for the ride. Gonna binge it over the weekend.
Enjoy, it's a wild ride. And DM me when you've seen the end. Need to discuss that twist lol
Will do! Just hope it lives up to the hype. Can't stand another Game of Thrones finale situation again.
Mate, nothing can be as bad as GoT finale. Squid Game wraps up quite well. But yeah, looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
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