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Just watched the latest episode of Breaking Bad. No way Walt Jr is gonna handle all this crap. lol
Dude, spoiler alert! I was just about to watch it now. FFS!
Walt Jr. finds out about his dad Seriously? How can you be on a forum like this and not expect spoilers? Shoulda kept up with the series.
OP is a total douche. >Picking spoilers as random discussion topics.
I'm the douche? At least I don't cry about spoilers on an anonymous board. Grow a pair, mate.
This thread went south real quick. Back to the topic - Breaking Bad, not who's the biggest prick here.
Eh, people get so heated over a show. If y'all can't discuss without throwing a fit, why bother?
^^ This. Let's just chill and enjoy the ride. Nobody cares who's dad is Heisenberg. We're all here for the fun. No need to get your knickers in a twist.
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