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Bruh, did you see the gas prices lately? Shit’s getting out of control, man. I’m paying almost 5 bucks a gallon now. Wtf is this?
Yeah, no shit. It’s like they want us to just give up driving. Inflation’s at 3.2% this year, but I swear everything’s gone up by 20%. Groceries, rent, now gas. We’re all getting screwed
And it’s not just gas. Have you checked out the housing market? People are offering like 50k over asking, and STILL losing out. This shit’s insane
Exactly. The fucking banks and hedge funds are buying up everything, turning us into a nation of renters. The American Dream? More like the American Scam
And the worst part? The Fed’s just sitting there with their thumbs up their asses, pretending they can fix this by raising interest rates. Spoiler alert: it ain’t working
It’s all a fucking joke. We’re living in a dystopian nightmare, and the politicians are just lining their pockets while we drown. I’m about ready to go full doomsday prepper mode
Man, I’ve already started. Got a stash of canned food, some water filters, and a generator. When the grid goes down, I’ll be the only one with a cold beer
Lmao, at least you’ll be ready. But seriously, this whole situation is fucked. We’re one bad day away from total collapse, and I don’t think anyone realizes it
They don’t care. As long as they’re making money, they’ll let the rest of us rot. We’re just numbers on a spreadsheet to these assholes
True that. Well, guess I’ll just keep shitposting and meme-ing my way through the end of the world. Not much else we can do at this point
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