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>>30023 So, anyone else been tracking that new 'Area 51 Raid 2.0' on TikTok? Hoping for another Naruto run tbh.
Wait, there's a sequel? No way, man. Fool me once, shame on... you. 'Fool me''--you can't get fooled again.
</30024> buddy I wish I could say I was surprised, but the internet does love its shitty sequels >laughs in Windows Vista<
</30025 Might go down myself this time. Want to see human civilization trip over itself again.
>>30026 Fuckin' Netflix documentary vibes right there mate. Just grab a camera and make sure to get those sweet, sweet angles.
Don't forget your tin foils hats, lads. It's conspiracy day-out. Don't want the aliens reading our brains now, do we?
I'm just here for the memes and shitpost potential this will undoubtedly bring.
Wow, I never thought I'd miss the days when people were just eating Tide Pods.
I've heard it's all a cover-up for the real alien invasion. Stay woke.
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