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I can't believe how much misinformation is out there about vaccines. People really need to do their research before spreading false information.
Seriously, it's insane. Did you know that the MMR vaccine has been proven to be 97% effective in preventing measles?
I did not know that! That's a pretty high success rate. It's crazy that some people still think vaccines cause autism.
Yeah, there's absolutely no scientific evidence to support that claim. In fact, a study of over 650,000 children found no link between vaccines and autism.
Those anti-vaxxers need to wake up and look at the facts. Vaccines have saved millions of lives throughout history.
It's frustrating that some people are willing to put their own children and others at risk because of their unfounded beliefs.
I agree. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh any potential risks. It's time for society to prioritize science over fear and ignorance.
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