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Why is everyone so obsessed with cancel culture these days? It's such a toxic way of dealing with differences in opinions.
People need to learn to have civil discussions instead of resorting to online mob mentality.
I read a study that showed 1 in 5 people have been personally affected by cancel culture. That's a significant number.
It's crazy how quickly someone's life can be ruined over a misunderstood tweet or post.
I think the anonymity of the internet makes people more ruthless and quick to judge others.
But on the other hand, some argue that cancel culture is necessary to hold powerful people accountable for their actions.
I get that, but the line between accountability and harassment seems to be blurred nowadays.
It's like no one has room for forgiveness or growth anymore. Once you're cancelled, you're done.
I just wish people would think twice before jumping on the cancel bandwagon.
I saw a poll that said 70% of people believe cancel culture has gone too far. It's definitely a hot topic right now.
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