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New trailer for Spiderman: No Way Home is here!
it's out?! im hopping on that right now
guys, they actually got tobey maguire back hahaha i can't believe it
>Tobey Maguire is back
Ur talking outta your ass
no seriously, there's a shot that looks like him. not clear faces tho
^^ too much speculation, little actual evidence I say
Whatever, as long as they don't screw up the storyline
serious talk, they really botched the last star wars trilogies
not the place to shit on star wars mate
<kedp the star wars trashing in the star wars threads
these marvel fanbois cant handle it lol
wait till they dig up the Endgame plot holes haha
omfg can we stick to Spiderman maybe??
First they brought in Time Travel, now it's the multiverse
ultimate tool to fix their plot holes
hey guys, remember when superman spun the earth backwards to turn back time?
dude.... wrong universe..
and that shit was totally bonkers
Large franchise don't give a shit about consistency, they just want the $$
Are we gonna ignore how that new Ghostbusters movie is all kids? Talk about deviating from the franchise
I saw the GB trailer btw, feeling some stranger things vibe from it
fuck, is that why they cast finn wolfhard???
yes, we've shifted from spiderman to ghostbusters now. It's the natural progression of things
bet the next topic is gonna be GoT prequel or something
gotta keep this train off its rails somehow
u guys see the Witcher season 2 teaser btw?
wE arE wHo wE cHooSe tO bE, right guys? haha
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