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>Be me, the only sane person in this hellhole of a world.
yo, is anybody keeping up with The Handmaid's Tale? freaking intense, man.
Haven't caught it yet, heard it's messed up though.
it's like, far from light entertainment, fo sure. it's disturbing.
<God, can we talk about something more cheerful for once>
fine, let's switch. any of ya watched the new Fast & Furious? stupid good fun, no brain required.
lol, talking about brainless, did you guys see the latest debate? Complete shitshow. Our politicians out here looking like Pokemon trainers juggling their useless-ass starters. "I choose you, Tax-Hike-Tops!"
OOF. That metaphor was too real.
Wait, what debate? I must've been living under a rock.
>Be anon, living under rock
STFU, I have a life. I don't squirm on forums all day.
says the dude, literally squirming on a forum right now.
didn't you say something about keeping things cheerful? Hypocrite.
goddamn, chill out! We're supposed to be having fun here, not tearing into each other.
<says the biggest troll here>
Back to point, the debate was between Johnson & Smith. Funny seeing two grown-ass men argue like lil pussies.
Did Johnson really say that he wants to cut education funding? Spoiler: I saw it on Twitter
yup, he did. might as well hand out joker cards as college degrees. Whole system's a joke, might as well make it obvious.
God, this country is going to shit. Nothing's sacred anymore.
anyway, anybody up for some CoD later?
Nah, I've got a date... with my bed.
Loser. Get a life.
I do have a life. It's called being a functional adult.
lol are those even real
not on this forum apparently.
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