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Anyone else feel like we’re never gonna own a fucking house? Every time I look at the market, prices have gone up another 10%. It’s a fucking joke
No shit, man. Rents are outta control too. I’m paying $2,000 a month for a shoebox in the city. Who the hell can save for a down payment when rent’s this high?
It’s boomers, dude. They fucked us. They bought their houses for dirt cheap back in the day, and now they’re sitting on goldmines. Meanwhile, we’re stuck with shit wages and no hope
It’s not just boomers, though. Corporations are buying up homes and turning them into rentals. BlackRock, Zillow, all those fuckers. They’re squeezing the market dry, and we’re left fighting for scraps
For real, in 2023 alone, institutional investors bought like 20% of the available homes in major cities. They’re turning everything into rental properties, and we’re getting priced out
And the government ain’t doing shit. They keep talking about “affordable housing,” but all they do is build luxury condos and call it a day. Like, who the hell can afford that?
Exactly. And then they wonder why we’re all living with our parents into our 30s. It’s not because we’re lazy, it’s because the system’s rigged against us
Yeah, and the interest rates aren’t helping either. Fed keeps hiking them to “curb inflation,” but all it’s doing is making mortgages even more expensive. We’re fucked either way
At this rate, we’ll all be renting for life. And you know what? Landlords are gonna keep jacking up prices because they know we don’t have a choice
Pretty much. The whole system’s designed to keep us down. No wonder people are checking out and just saying fuck it. What’s the point of trying when the game’s rigged from the start?
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