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New season of 'Stranger Things' pushed back again
Are you shitting me? This is like the 3rd time!
>Gets excited for Stranger Things S4
>Production delayed again
Shit boggles, man. COVID really screwed up everything, didn't it?
It's not just the pandemic. Heard Duffer Bros are being total divas about the script.
Source?? Or you just getting your facts from your ass?
Easy, simpcop. Found it on some reddit thread. Calm your tits.
Cooool. Now we're trusting reddit for credible info.
What's your problem? Ain't like CNN is telling you when Eleven's gonna pop some brains again.
<Sitting here waiting for the new season like a champ
<Ends up watching 'Friends' reruns again @ Netflix
Dude, I've rewatched The Office so many times that I can quote the scripts verbatim.
Try some new shit, man. Heard 'Witcher' is pretty solid.
Witcher turns into a musical in the second season. Bet my left ball on it.
They better keep that shit far away from my sweet Geralt.
total Witcher spoiler notice how we’re all avoiding discussing the 'Game of Thrones' finale??
Don't even remind me of that shitshow. I've got PTSD.
Gonna pop off, fellas. Got some important stuff to take care of.
Leaving us hanging mid-conversation, huh? Classic anon dick move...Good luck with your 'important stuff'.
Yeah, wank your sorrows away mate.
LOL, peace out guys. Try not to fight too much while I'm gone.
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