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>tfw you finally finish binging the whole Breaking Bad only to realize you have now fulfilled the peak of your existence
Shut up, you absolute donut. BB is overhyped trash. It's all about It's Always Sunny.
Yeah, sure it is 'definitely' as long as you have two brain cells to rub together.
Lmfao this guy with his normie trash, has anyone watched the latest episode of Attack on Titan? The twist was mental
Spoiler Alert
Zeke is a Jaeger too
Man, stop with the damn spoilers. Some of us just like to enjoy the suspense and shit.
Dude I swear, if you're wearing anything other than a clown suit after that spoiler you're underdressed.
<smh this is why we can't have nice things. Keep your spoilers to yourself, asshole.
I tried reading one of those manga things once, the backward reading gave me a fucking migraine.
Meanwhile in non-weeb world, have any of you guys caught the Harry Potter reunion special?
Seen it, bro. Damn, Radcliffe's really starting to show his age. Makes me feel old af
Just me who thinks that Emma Watson has aged like a fine wine?
>calling Emma Watson fine wine
Is your taste as shit as your anime critiques?
Aye, good chat, gentlemen. But gotta go, my mum's yelling that dinner's ready.
>tfw you live with your mum at 30
At least you got a mum who cooks for you, some people don't even have that ya ungrateful sod.
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