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Why do people still deny climate change? The facts are right there - global temperatures are rising, sea levels are increasing, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent.
I don't get it either. It's like they're living in a bubble or something. It's not just about polar bears dying - it's about the survival of our species on this planet.
Yeah, exactly. And it's not just some far-off problem in the future. We're already seeing the effects of climate change right now, with wildfires, hurricanes, and droughts wreaking havoc all over the world.
The science is pretty clear on this. Over 97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming through activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The evidence is overwhelming.
It's frustrating that some people still choose to bury their heads in the sand and pretend like nothing's happening. We can't afford to be complacent anymore. The time to act is now.
We need to take urgent action to reduce our carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. If we don't, the consequences will be catastrophic for future generations. It's our responsibility to protect the planet for them.
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