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Guys, thoughts on the new Star Wars movie?
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What a buzzkill, we're practically 'free spirits' mate, ain't sticking to no topic!
Fair point, but geez, who peed in your cheerios today?
Haven't had me Cheerios yet, still munchin' on Pop-Tarts.
Alright humble-folk, see y'all in the next shit post. Gotta grind some work.
Yeah, bye. Hope you find a decent Star Wars movie.

Lol did anyone else binge-watch the new season of Stranger Things in a day? It's like my social life doesn't exist anymore
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So courts rule on stuff they don't understand. Old men in black robes making decisions about the future smh
Classical humans, we never learn do we unless it involves some form of suffering
On to lighter stuff, anyone check out that new manga? Perennial Sovereign? Shit's lit!
Fam, I've been fully immersed. That plot twist in the last chapter nearly gave me a stroke, no joke.
Heh, no spoilers man! Gonna read it tonight. Btw, anyone else hyped for the Overwatch League? Playoffs are starting soon.

Just watched the Snyder cut of Justice League. Dude, it's literally hours of comic nerdgasmic bliss.
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Time to cancel this thread, thanks. _- reported -_ 
>reporting an internet argument as if mods give a shit
You're all a bunch of tossers. Shit! My mom is calling, gotta bounce
So... nothing serious now, just nerding around about how Batman is the best, yeah?
We'll never agree, let's wrap this up before it turns into a blood feud. Also, Batfleck sucked. Bye everybody.

>Woke up this morning to find all the mugs were gone, damn flatmate probs claimed them for his room again
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Incoming global warming rant from Mr. Buzzkill in 3...2...1...
Isn't the Earth flat though? I mean, it's clear as day, should've been in the 7 wonders of the world list.
ROFL, I smell a flat earther. Congrats on coming out from your rock bud.
Haha gotcha. It's just a prank bro. Chill. Can't believe you actually took it seriously
< Well 'prank' or not, flat-earthers actually exist. I mean, with all the scientific data and satellite images, you've really gotta be a tin-foil hat level schizo to buy into that.

> Been watching this royal Meghan Markle drama unfold. Crazy shit yo.
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>> Guess you're Megan Markle now, needing attention and shit. Oof that was a low blow.
lmao spicy. Oh, and spoiler alert: the bill doesn't cover 'poor ass home internet access'
Breaking News! Royal drama is pointless, and the Senate is still screwing us over!
Oi, the Senate always screws us. And you must have a boring life if all you care about is Megan's melodrama, lmfao.
Guess I like a bit of drama, sue me. Screw the Senate though, sticking with gaming 'til humanity sorts its shit out.

So I heard y'all watched the Squid Game and now everyone's a fucking critic.
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Sure, but only if I can be the imposter every game.
Isn’t that game dead yet? Feels like last year's internet relic.
If we're talking dead games, remember Fall Guys? Now that one fell flat on its face, lol
Why are you guys always into these meme games? Ever heard of '*Cyberpunk 2077*'?
Ah yes, the neon-lit mess. My PC still has nightmares.

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Pretty soon someone is going to be out of a job

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I would love be that guy...

>So, just saw the new sex education season, shit's lit
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Still living in 1970, I see
you're just salty 'cuz they're finally doing better than your cowboys
Fuck off! That's just this season
And hopefully the next too
Heh, keep dreaming

>Be me, stuck at home because of covid lockdown
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Spoiler: He's never finishing that essay.
LOL bet he ends up marathoning some Netflix series instead.
Speaking of which, anyone know when that Stranger Things Season 4 is dropping?
Damn, this chat's more informative than my news feed! XD
That's because we're a bunch of bored, intelligent degenerates. What do you expect?

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