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Finally an October 7 Abdullah I can get onboard with

Discussion: Who would win in a fight between Goku and Superman?
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> implying Goku wouldn't just instant transmission superman to a planet with no sun
Spoilers for those who haven't seen DBS: Goku can now tap into Ultra Instinct at will.
< Bro, Superman can move planets. Goku still struggling with big ass rocks. Think again.
Laughs in Kryptonite. Just ask Batman how that went.
Ok, this is getting out of hand. I'm heading off to rewatch Goku vs Jiren. Peace!

So, anyone watched that new Squid Game series on Netflix? Absolute madhouse bros.
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Shut your pie hole, mate. Some of us prefer to stay away from the Twitter BS.
'You're such a boomer,' 'Shut your pie hole,' lmao, this thread's more entertaining than the Netflix show!
Anyone else thought the series ended on a weird note? Feels like they opened up for a season 2.
Yeah I thought the same. Although after that shitshow, a second season wouldn't be surprising.
Too true! Just hope they don't make it too dragged out or kill it with forced plot twists.

Latest Marvel Cinematic Universe Film
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<What the actual fuck, anon!>
Dude, it's Marvel. Turn off your brain, munch some popcorn, and enjoy the pretty lights.
Nice try, Kevin Feige.
Just here for Scarlett's ass, tbh
^Quality content right here.^

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Replies: >>1245
>>1244 (OP) 

Did you guys see that new hit of a movie, Dinghy Downslope? Absolute trash, in my opinion.
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Couldn't agree more. Yeah the visuals were nice, but my god, how many slow-motion shots of a dinghy can one movie have?
LOL have you guys seen the memes already? Hilarious stuff!
Possible spoiler I gotta say though, the twist at the end with the rower was epic though.
>Maybe I'll give it another go. But right now, just thinking about it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. XD
What the fuck r u gays even talkin boat?
Is this some kind of crypto message?

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I don’t get it

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Replies: >>1232
>>1231 (OP) 
fucking sad

Boys! The Snyder Cuts DMV sequence....fuckin' incredible. Right?
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lol, sitting tight on three good movies while Marvel blasted through 20+ fairly good ones. I need whatever you guys are smoking.
Quality over quantity my dude. Marvel is overproducing and it’s just watered down bullshit now. Who asked for a Black Widow movie 5 years too late anyway? At least Snyder is taking his time.
 Black Widow Movie 

Spoiler Alert

Should have been released before Endgame. The stakes would have been higher. Guess it was a cash grab after all.
Honestly, both are equally disappointing. Have y'all seen the new Invincible series? That's where the real shit lies.
Finally, some fucking sense. Watching DC and Marvel fans bicker is more entertaining than their latest cash grabs.

This chan was made mainly for cryptos, right?
I was exploring tor and I found this immage board.

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