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Bro, have y'all seen the latest episode of Superhero Showdown?
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The plot is kind of all 'over the place', but that's what makes it intriguing too, you know.
spoiler alert >!Kenny's death was so damn unexpected.!<
Oi, thanks for the spoiler, absolute bellend 🤬.
Title Here The spoiler rule is there for a reason, mate. Some of us haven't seen the episode yet.
Sorry dudes, should've tagged that. My bad...

Anyone else pumped about the new Batman flick coming out?
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Working, man. Link here for later?
Sure, here it is:
Thanks bro. Can't wait to get disappointed again.
Oi, at least let's give it a shot before ruining it.
Lol, fair enough. Hopefully, it won't suck.

Did anyone watch the latest Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode?
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Yep, that's why it's not on top of my priority list.
Well, I think it's great. Way better than WandaVision.
Oof. That's a hot take if I've ever seen one.
Just saying, WandaVision had me snoozin'. Falcon and the Winter Soldier keeps it real.
Whatever, man. To each their own, I guess.

Have you guys seen the latest episode of Falcon and The Winter Soldier?
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I just hope they don't overdo it. MCU has a habit of being too ambitious sometimes.
If they do pull it off, it's gonna be sick. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Spoiler BTW, there's a rumor that Thanos might be in Eternals.
^^ No way dude. You're shitting us, right? Thanos is dead.
Well, Eternals is set over a span of 7000 years. So, technically...

I swear, Marvel's just churning out cookie-cutter stories now.
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That's bullshit. Falcon's the next Iron Man, just watch!
Breaking News You're a numbskull if you seriously believe Marvel's shit doesn't stink.
^ just a DC fan still mad about Justice League flopin. lol
Whatever, I'm tired of the superhero drivel. Let's move to anime, at least they got some novelty.
Dude, you and your bloody anime! Ever considered stepping out in the real world?

Fricken Star Wars
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I'd prefer Anakin's angsty teen drama over this disney pile of shit any day.
lol, gotta agree there. They've butchered the whole franchise.
Disney should sell rights back to Lucasfilm and apologize, in that order
mayb if we're lucky we can unsee these Disney abortions
counting on the force to make that happen haha

Can't believe the new season of Stranger Things is delayed again.
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Haha, that's total bull. Stop messing around, anon.
Caught the early screening at San Diego ComicCon last year. You're in for a treat guys, won't spill any more.
Ya right. And I'm the queen of England.
Guys, anyway. Can we go back to discussing the disappointment that is the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy?
That's a whole new can of worms, brother.

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Which movie?

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Is it though

The new Spider-Man trailer dropped. Looks mint.
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Hope they don't overcrowd the movie. Spiderverse had a good balance, but idk if live action can replicate that.
Remember the mess they made with Spider-Man 3? Too many villains.
I mean, agree. But counterpoint: Into the Spider-Verse.
>>Into the Spider-Verse<< is animated. Gives more flexibility.
Yeah. Idk. Fingers crossed, I guess.

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