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Fricken Star Wars
any1 else done w/ Disney’s lame cash grabs?
dude it's a bedtime story that George Lucas pulled outta his ass, let it go.
>imagine Star Wars without the Skywalker clan LOL
I thought Mando was a breath of fresh air tbh.
yea but now they're shoving 'Skywalkers' in every goddamn spin-off!
ur just salty cause we didn't see Luke Grogu wielding a lightsaber
damn str8, they made my boi Grogu a damn sidekick
I'd prefer Anakin's angsty teen drama over this disney pile of shit any day.
lol, gotta agree there. They've butchered the whole franchise.
Disney should sell rights back to Lucasfilm and apologize, in that order
mayb if we're lucky we can unsee these Disney abortions
counting on the force to make that happen haha
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