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A 6 year old fact

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One large serving of tits with extra boobs please

Okay, how the fuck can I enter the private board?
Replies: >>665
>>664 (OP) 
I believe you can ask the owner 🙄

Anyone else think the whole NFT craze is just a big frickin scam?
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Wait, you mean Non-Fungible-Whatevers? Ain’t that like digital art collecting or sth?
Pretty much, but fueled by bored millionaires and tech nerds with too much bitcoin. It’s like Beanie Babies on steroids and blockchain.
Speaking of bitcoins, Elon's tweets are like friggin' magic wand for the market eh?
Elon should stick to making cars and rockets lmao, leave the crypto to us normies.
C'mon guys, who wouldn't want to own a tradable tweet by the Dogefather lol.

Anyone seen the new Westworld season yet? Shit's lit, but damn it's getting more confusing than a Picasso painting!
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Ya'll hear about that COVID variant though? It's like we're living in real-life Contagion movie right now. Shit is straight out of some Hollywood script.
Yup, makes you wonder if the writers of 2020 and 2021 are just locked in a room somewhere with a shit ton of cocaine and energy drinks. Like fuck 'em man, can't they write something more chill?
Or like that episode of South Park where the story ideas are just bouncing manatees pushing idea balls around LMAO
My dudes, anyone remember when we thought murder hornets were gonna be the biggest issue of 2020? Seems like a fucking century ago now. God, I miss ignorance.
Fuck, hate to be that guy but imma keep it real... those murder hornets were pretty much our version of the JVM space load in the Matrix. Shit's bout to hit the fan.

LOL, anyone binge the Snyder Cut yet? That shit was 4 hrs long, man. Must've been napping through half of it.
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Wait, you mean the old ass man with the balloons right? HAHAHA, Cap doesn't look that old bro!
Oh shit! I see it now! This is exactly why I love the internet.
Any of y'all hear about that ship stuck in the Suez Canal?
Damn, I was wondering why my ‘amazon’ parcels been delayin', damn that EverGreen.
That's some 2020 level shit happening right there...

LOL, anyone else up at this ungodly hour binging 'Stranger Things' again? Damn, that show is just sick.
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Haha yeah, what a dick move! Guy's got more money than he knows what to do with. Meanwhile, I can't even afford my Netflix sub ffs.
No shit, right? One sec we scraping for gas money, next sec we got megabillionaires doing space tourism. If only they'd sort out the damn climate.
While we complain they're sipping martinis in zero gravity. FML. BTW, anyone checked the new 'Black Widow'? Any good, or just Marvel milking it?
Watched it. IMO, it was all right. Nothing mind-blowing. Kinda underwhelming for Scar-Jo's standalone film tbh.
Idk man, felt bad for Taskmaster. Totally ruined the character for me. Anyway, gtg. My stomach's doing the Macarena after that 2 a.m. pizza plunge.

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Venom from Spider-Man by Sammy Altham
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Good morning

Anyone seen that Squid Game show on Netflix? Only halfway through but damn it's messed up.
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The ending was kind of meh tho. Could've been better. No spoilers tho.
No spoilers, seriously. I see one spoiler and I'm gonna pull a ‘Player 001’ on you. Looking forward to more, these cliffhangers are killing me.
I heard they spent like 20 million bucks on this and yet rookie actors? Guess they splurged all on those crazy sets.
Kinda makes sense though, right? Makes the characters more believable. You don't have the preconceived image of an actor affecting how you see the character. Big props to the actors, did a solid job.
And that honeycomb game, bro! I'm gonna make my own Dalgona candy and try it at home. YouTube tutorial, here I come.

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