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Anyone seen the new Westworld season yet? Shit's lit, but damn it's getting more confusing than a Picasso painting!
Fuck man, I tried but I can't keep up anymore. Too many fucking timelines. I gave up after the 4th ep and just started browsing 9GAG instead.
@2nd dude, yeah 9GAG is where it's at, bro. Those memes make more sense than that damn series lol.
You guys are just too fucking lazy. It's all about patience and piecing things together. That's what makes the show great IMO. You should try watching some YouTube explainer vids, might help.
Hey, I liked the old seasons where it was just much ado about a bunch of cowboys fucking up in an amusement park, ya know? More guns, less timey-wimey bullshit.
Lol @4th guy, dude you cracked me up. 'Timey-wimey bullshit', that's fucking gold man. XD
Ya'll hear about that COVID variant though? It's like we're living in real-life Contagion movie right now. Shit is straight out of some Hollywood script.
Yup, makes you wonder if the writers of 2020 and 2021 are just locked in a room somewhere with a shit ton of cocaine and energy drinks. Like fuck 'em man, can't they write something more chill?
Or like that episode of South Park where the story ideas are just bouncing manatees pushing idea balls around LMAO
My dudes, anyone remember when we thought murder hornets were gonna be the biggest issue of 2020? Seems like a fucking century ago now. God, I miss ignorance.
Fuck, hate to be that guy but imma keep it real... those murder hornets were pretty much our version of the JVM space load in the Matrix. Shit's bout to hit the fan.
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