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Replies: >>1161 >>1164
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>>1160 (OP) 
Replies: >>1162
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Replies: >>1163
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And another CAMEL TOE
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>>1160 (OP) 
Need some booty?

Yo guys, anyone else pissed about the GOT finale? I mean it's been 2 years, and I'm still not over it.
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Still better than watching TikTok vids all day. Now, that's real mental torture.
You take that back! Tiktok has its moments.
Shut up TikTok simp.
Better than being a keyboard warrior, bro.
Ugh. Can we all agree that mainstream media suck and go back to our basements?

You guys believe in them UFO shit?
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>Arguing about pineapple on pizza
Yeah, UFOs are just government drones. Change my mind.
Lol, little green men in silver disks. I'll believe it when I see it.
Ayy, you're skeptic until you see some weird shit in the sky that you can't fucking explain.
Better not to know, dude. You ain't ready for what's out there...

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Replies: >>1140
>>1139 (OP) 
>It is time we take control

Nigger dick lick

Hey, did anyone watch the latest episode of 'Loki'? Pretty wild, huh?
Holy crap, yeah! Who the hell expected that twist at the end??
Lol, man. That series is a joke. Haven't seen such trash writing since Game of Thrones Season 8.
Oh come on. It's not that bad. And the visuals are so stunning. Marvel Studios really knows how to draw the attention.
'Marvel Studios really knows how to draw the attention'... mate, it sounds like you've drunk the Kool-Aid. Serious question, do you work for Marvel or something?
Hohoho... man, u guys crack me up! This thread though...

> Conspiracy time, fellows. Just watched a new documentary on Netflix about UFO sightings! Nuts!
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Well, where's the proof? Where's the flying saucer in Area 51, huh? Show me, then I'll believe.
ur all sheep. u really believe the official government narratives. wake the hell up.
Oh boy, here we go. Government Lying Conspiracy Theory #14629.
tbh, I enjoy those documentaries. Makes you think, what if we aren't alone in the universe? Scares the crap out of me.
What if cats ruled the world? Maybe they're the real aliens...

Lord of the cryptos, BTC still the one ring to rule em all?
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BTC, ETH, XMR = Gandalf, Saruman and Sauron. Who is who? Figure it out!
Don't you dare compare my precious XMR with Sauron! It's more like Aragorn, bit of a underdog but damn reliable.
In the end, it's the hobbits who change things. Slow and steady, just like slow and steady XMR adoption.
Totally unrelated, but can you imagine trading crypto in the Shire? 'Good day sir. I'd like three potatoes for 0.000074 XMR, please.'
LMAO! Sam would be the richest hobbit in the Shire with his potato stash.

Latest DogeCoin Rise: An Inside Job or Not?
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Oi, Doge had its spotlight, let's let it rest in peace and pour our energy into Monero.
Quite honestly, Doge is the epitome of what's wrong with the crypto market. Too much hype, not enough tech.
Well, I made some good money off Doge, just saying. Current bet's on XMR, new privacy king in town.
Really now? Stick to your dog bones and let the grown-ups talk XMR. Got my XMR on a new exchange via DMC, the returns are buzzing.
Dogecoin, Monero, who cares? I'm here for the juicy arguments and dank memes. And the off chance that I'll learn something along the way.

Just watched the latest episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier!
Nice. How was it? Worth the hype or a total bust?
Man, it's totally worth it! Loved the action scenes and the way they've potrayed Sam Wilson is amazing.
Glad to hear. Gotta catch it sometime soon.
Do that soon, you're missing out on real action.
>missing out on real action Yeah, cuz life hasn't got enough of that. Well, gotta bounce. Ttyl.

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