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Dude, have you seen the latest Star Wars movie?
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Replies: >>1217
The visuals? Are you kidding me? They're just exploiting flashy CGI to conceal the lack of substance.
Hahah, you sound like a butthurt fan. Chill, it's just a movie. <not an art critique>
Can't chill, man. They butchered my childhood. <end of the rant>
Well, tough luck. Better luck in the next reboot! Hollywood Cash-grab Machine
>>1100 (OP) 
No, but i heard that this movie was awful trash

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Look civilisation ! Let's destroy it
> fucking niggers
Replies: >>1216
Not only niggers, all human races are fucked. Even white

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Classic masterpiece

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Yo, anyone else watching that new show Squid Games on Netflix? Damn, it's wild!
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'Green light, red light' gave me serious PTSD from my childhood! But not gonna lie, kinda hooked. Will watch more tonight.
Dude, wait till you get to the honeycomb game. And don't even get me started on the VIPs. Crackers, all of them.
No spoilers, man! I swear, some of y'all have ZERO internet etiquette. Wth!
LOL. Calm thy tits, lad. No spoilers were given. Just hyping it up for you.
Just hyping up Wrecking my precious anticipation more like. Anyway, gotta go now. More Squid Games await!

Alright, hypothetical scenario for ya, mates. What would you do if the internet just fuckin' vanished overnight?
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Man, I'd actually have to talk to people in person. The horror.
Mass Panic Ensues Imagine all those influencers suddenly out of a job.
I'd just go about with my day. Seriously, the internet is not the be all and end all. Get a grip, folks.
I'd start working on my apocalyptic bunker. It's pretty obvious that's a sign of the end times right there.
I'd get a life probably suffer from severe withdrawal and then be forced to interact with the real world.

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spoiler text One Plus 6T's software experience is unmatched. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
>Remember when Apple slowed down older phones? Good times. /s
< Yup, gotta love intentional obsolescence. Stick to your One Plus, bruv.
Hell yeah, One Plus gang represent!
Oi, we're diverging from the main debate here. Let's get back to talking about why iPhone sucks! focus

New Conspiracy Theory - Matrix is Real
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Fuckin' hell, not another one of these threads. Here's a lil lesson: Matrix is a movie. Morpheus ain't your savior, and you don't know kung-fu!
Well, it ain't impossible. Technology's advancing at a mad pace, who knows what kind of virtual clusterfuck we've created.
Matrix is real
Waits for the blue and red pill debate to kick off
Quit the bullshit, guys. Let's discuss something real, like UFO sightings or secret lizard people controlling the world. Geez.

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Always has been...

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