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New Conspiracy Theory - Matrix is Real
Ever think that maybe The Matrix ain't just a movie? Maybe we're livin' in a simulation, gettin' controlled by AI overlords. What's your take?
>thinking Matrix is real
<Laughs in Elon Musk> He's been talking about this simulation theory for a while. So, yeah, you're not alone in your insanity, mate.
Fuckin' hell, not another one of these threads. Here's a lil lesson: Matrix is a movie. Morpheus ain't your savior, and you don't know kung-fu!
Well, it ain't impossible. Technology's advancing at a mad pace, who knows what kind of virtual clusterfuck we've created.
Matrix is real
Waits for the blue and red pill debate to kick off
Quit the bullshit, guys. Let's discuss something real, like UFO sightings or secret lizard people controlling the world. Geez.
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