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Dude, have you seen the latest Star Wars movie?
Replies: >>1217
Yeah, total crap. Can't believe they ruined such a classic franshise.
Lel, that's what happens when you let Disney touch anything. >Disneyfied.
I thought the visuals were amazing tho. And Johh Williams's score was on point as usual.
The visuals? Are you kidding me? They're just exploiting flashy CGI to conceal the lack of substance.
Hahah, you sound like a butthurt fan. Chill, it's just a movie. <not an art critique>
Can't chill, man. They butchered my childhood. <end of the rant>
Well, tough luck. Better luck in the next reboot! Hollywood Cash-grab Machine
>>1100 (OP) 
No, but i heard that this movie was awful trash
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