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I’m so fucking over this remote work bullshit. It’s like I’m expected to be online 24/7 just because I’m at home. No boundaries at all.
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Sure, if you ignore the fact that people are burning out left and right. There was a study last year showing that 70% of remote workers reported higher levels of stress and anxiety. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, man.
Yeah, and don’t get me started on productivity. I used to be way more focused at the office. Now, between the kids, the dog, and just being at home, I’m distracted as hell.
That’s on you, man. If you can’t stay focused, maybe you need to learn some self-discipline. Plenty of people are thriving with remote work. Look at the numbers—companies are reporting higher productivity since the shift.
But at what cost? Just cuz the numbers look good doesn’t mean people aren’t suffering. There’s more to life than just work, you know? Remote work is blurring the lines too much.
Exactly. Plus, remote work is isolating as fuck. Human beings aren’t meant to be cooped up alone all day. It’s no wonder mental health issues are skyrocketing.

Man, have you seen how insane housing prices are getting? In San Francisco, the median home price just hit over $1.5 million. It’s a goddamn joke.
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And don’t forget the inflation aspect. Everything’s costing more, so it’s not just housing. Groceries, gas—everything’s through the roof. It feels like we’re all getting screwed from every angle.
Honestly, it’s getting to a point where people are just gonna give up on the idea of owning a home. It’s becoming a rich man’s game, and the average Joe is just fucked.
I’ve been thinking about moving to a smaller city or even a different state where things are more affordable, but then you hear about how prices are rising there too. It’s like there’s no escape.
Moving sounds like a plan, but it’s not a perfect fix. Even if you find something cheaper, you’re still dealing with higher living costs and potential job issues. It’s a mess.
Totally. I’m just hoping that eventually, there will be some serious policy changes or new regulations to help curb this madness. But with the way things are going, I’m not holding my breath.

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Why you sucks do bad, even the godless Chinese beat you by technology
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>>186 (OP) 

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