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Man, have you seen how insane housing prices are getting? In San Francisco, the median home price just hit over $1.5 million. It’s a goddamn joke.
Seriously, it’s nuts. I was checking out some listings in NYC and places that were $800k last year are now going for $1.2 million. It’s like the market’s on crack.
And don’t even get me started on rentals. I was looking for a one-bedroom apartment in LA, and they’re asking $3,000 a month for something that’s basically a closet. Who can afford that shit?
It’s absurd. I keep hearing these bullshit claims about how it’s all due to high demand and low supply, but I think there’s way more to it. A lot of it’s just greedy landlords and speculators driving the prices up.
Exactly. And the government’s doing fuck all about it. They keep talking about affordable housing and regulations, but all we see are these endless tax breaks for real estate developers. It’s like they want us to be screwed.
And the worst part? There’s a whole generation getting screwed over because of this. People in their 20s and 30s are finding it impossible to buy a home, so they’re stuck renting forever.
Yeah, it’s creating this huge wealth gap. People who already own property are making bank, while the rest of us are just getting pushed further out of the market.
And don’t forget the inflation aspect. Everything’s costing more, so it’s not just housing. Groceries, gas—everything’s through the roof. It feels like we’re all getting screwed from every angle.
Honestly, it’s getting to a point where people are just gonna give up on the idea of owning a home. It’s becoming a rich man’s game, and the average Joe is just fucked.
I’ve been thinking about moving to a smaller city or even a different state where things are more affordable, but then you hear about how prices are rising there too. It’s like there’s no escape.
Moving sounds like a plan, but it’s not a perfect fix. Even if you find something cheaper, you’re still dealing with higher living costs and potential job issues. It’s a mess.
Totally. I’m just hoping that eventually, there will be some serious policy changes or new regulations to help curb this madness. But with the way things are going, I’m not holding my breath.
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