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Anyone heard of this new game 'Elden Ring' yet?
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Cuz life's a bitch and then ya die, that's why I get high, cause ya never know when ya gonna go.
LOL nice Nas quote, bro. Too deep for this shithole.
Speaking of shitholes, remember when Trump called some countries 'shitholes'?
Well, that escalated quickly.
Internet in a nutshell. From gaming to politics! fML.

did you guys catch the latest episode of The Witcher? man, they totally butchered the timeline!
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Don't forget those earworms he keeps dropping 🀣🀣🀣
'Toss a coin to your Witcher' is still stuck in my head! Gonna be humming that shit for months.
Don't even... That bloody song is terminal. Can't stop singing it in the shower. FML.
Hell, I've got my little bro singing it, and he doesn't even watch the show.
Witcher drinking game - take a shot every time Jaskier annoys Geralt. And just like that, everyone's drunk by the second episode.

Bro did you catch the new Batman flick yet?
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Dude, you're missing out. Bit of a learning curve, but it's rewarding af when you git gud.
Meh, I'll stick to CoD, thank you very much. Love me some noob roasting.
Your choice, man. Though Elden Ring gives a diff kind of thrill.
Whatever flips your pancake, mate. Hit me up in DMs later.
Sure thing. Later.

Anybody else following the Gamestop stocks drama?
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Whoa, wait a sec! Apologies if I'm behind, but what's the deal with Keanu and Cyberpunk 2077? Been away from gaming scene for a while.
Nah, you ain't missing out on much. CD Projekt Red kinda screwed up with Cyberpunk's release. Keanu's still a gem tho.
What a bungle tho, especially after Witcher 3. Heard they're still patching up glitches.
Damn, this reminds me of the No Man's Sky debacle, remember?
So it's gonna be the 'No Man's Sky comeback story' but replace 'Hello Games' with 'CD Projekt Red', huh?

Any of you dweebs been watchin' 'Squid Game' yet? Some messed up sh*t, man.
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I swear if Starfield gets delayed again...
Delays are the new norm, mate. At least it's not Cyberpunk level disaster.
True dat. Hey, remember when Keanu said 'You're breathtaking' at E3? Good times.
Wait, didn't Starfield just get a new teaser? Thought the release was finally happening.
Teaser, shmeaser. I'll believe it when I'm taking my first space walk and eating alien stew.

Yo, did you catch the latest episode of 'The Mandalorian'? That shit was fire!
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Among Us is the reason friendships were lost and trust was shattered. Good times, good times.
Bro, I swear my crewmates throw me under the bus every game. Can't trust anyone in that game.
Minecraft never gets old, man. Building my blocky empire is my therapy.
Bro, Minecraft is eternal. Creepers be creeping, but we still out here crafting.
Yo, I feel attacked when I see those Creeper faces coming at me. PTSD from all those explosions.

Anyone else played that Cyberpunk game yet? So hyped up and turned out to be a real dumpster fire.
lol yeah big disappointment, was so keen for it. too much bugs man, barely playable
u kidding? it’s an amazing game, just got too rushed. the developer already fixed most of the issues...
Fixed? Dude, my character gets stuck every 10 mins, that ain't fixed. CDPR f*cked up big time man
Lol still enjoyed it more than the latest Sims expansion tho
u aint wrong there, would rather deal with T-posing npcs than another goddamn knitting pack.

Yo, did anyone catch the latest episode of that new Netflix show? It's lowkey fire πŸ”₯
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Haha, same here! Can't resist diving into those rabbit holes late at night πŸ˜‚
Man, adulting is tough. Bills, work, responsibilities... when do we catch a break? 😩
For real! It's a constant struggle to balance work, life, and maintaining sanity.
Tell me about it. It's like we're all just living for the weekends, ya know?
True that. But hey, at least we got each other to vent to and keep it real. Stay strong πŸ’ͺ

Yo, did y'all see that new Spider-Man movie? Shit was epic!
Ikr, the CGI was on point and the storyline kept me hooked.
I still think Tobey Maguire is the OG Spider-Man tho.
Nah, Tom Holland is the best Spidey hands down.
Bro, let's agree to disagree on this one. Different strokes for different folks.
Fair enough, but ain't nobody gonna top Into the Spider-Verse. That movie was a masterpiece.

Do you guys think pineapple belongs on pizza or is that just a crime against humanity?
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I guess targeted ads are the price we pay for convenience these days.
Anyone else feel like adulting is just a scam? Bills, responsibilities, who signed up for this?
I miss being a carefree kid, no bills, no stress, just living in the moment.
Yup, adulting is a trap designed to keep us in line and pay the bills. Can't escape it.
We're all just adulting our way through life, one bill at a time.

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