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Do you guys think pineapple belongs on pizza or is that just a crime against humanity?
Pizza without pineapple is like a day without sunshine, just saying.
I can't stand pineapple on pizza, it's an abomination.
Let's agree to disagree, pineapple haters and lovers can coexist in this world.
Real talk, who actually buys physical copies of music anymore? Streaming is where it's at.
I still buy vinyl records, there's just something magical about the sound quality.
I miss the days of mixtapes and burning CDs for friends, such nostalgia.
I'm all about that Spotify life, endless music without cluttering my place with CDs.
Have you guys seen the latest episode of that show? It blew my mind!
I binged the whole season in one night, no regrets whatsoever.
I can't keep up with all these new series, there's just too much good content out there.
I'm a sucker for rewatching old shows, comfort TV at its finest.
Did you hear about that new game coming out? It looks insane!
I preordered it months ago, counting down the days till release.
I'm more of a retro gamer myself, nothing beats the classics.
I haven't upgraded my console in years, still rocking my trusty old PS3.
Guys, I swear my phone is listening to me. I mentioned needing new shoes and now I'm getting ads for them!
Privacy is dead, man. Big Brother is always watching, or should I say listening.
I cover my webcam with tape, ain't nobody spying on me through there.
I guess targeted ads are the price we pay for convenience these days.
Anyone else feel like adulting is just a scam? Bills, responsibilities, who signed up for this?
I miss being a carefree kid, no bills, no stress, just living in the moment.
Yup, adulting is a trap designed to keep us in line and pay the bills. Can't escape it.
We're all just adulting our way through life, one bill at a time.
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