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Yo, you guys see that shit about AI getting outta hand? We’re so screwed.
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It’s not just that. These AIs are writing books, making art, and doing coding faster than any human could. And people are losing their shit because they’re getting replaced by a fucking machine. It’s the beginning of Skynet, bro.
Yeah, but it’s not just Skynet-level scary. It’s the social media manipulation, the propaganda. You can’t even trust what you see anymore. Everything could be AI-generated bullshit, and half the world wouldn’t even notice.
We’re all gonna end up as slaves to the algorithm. This tech is gonna make the rich richer and screw over the rest of us. We’re on a one-way ticket to dystopia, and no one’s pumping the brakes.
Facts. At this rate, we’ll be begging the machines to keep us around as pets. This shit’s gotten way out of control, and there’s no going back.
Doomed, man. Absolutely fucked. And the worst part? No one in power gives a shit as long as they’re cashing in.

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The planet’s burning, and nobody’s doing shit about it. It’s like everyone’s blind, deaf, and dumb. We’re literally watching the world end in real-time, and these greedy fuckers just keep pumping out more oil.
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Exactly! They’re acting like they can just run away while the world collapses. What about us? What about the people who can’t escape? It’s fucking terrifying. I’m scared for my kids, man. What kind of world are we leaving them?
There won’t be a world left at this rate. We’ve got a ticking time bomb here, and no one’s cutting the wire. It’s all profit over people, and it’s gonna kill us all. I’m beyond angry; I’m fucking furious!
And the worst part? They’ve convinced so many people it’s all a hoax or “not that bad.” People are still debating the science while the forests burn. How stupid can you be? It’s maddening!
It’s denial on a global scale. We’re witnessing the end of the world, and half the population is too distracted or too dumb to care. I feel so helpless, like nothing we do is enough.
I’m at the point where I don’t even know what to do anymore. Protest? Vote? It all feels useless when the powers that be are hell-bent on destroying everything for a quick buck. We’re all fucked, and they know it.

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Oh bay that's tight

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