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Did anyone catch the new episode of The Mandalorian last night? That scene with Baby Yoda just had me DYING, man.
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Lol, that's gonna empty your pockets faster than a sugar baby.
Guess I'm sticking to my shitty old laptop. Damn thing can barely run Minesweeper.
Dude, Minesweeper is a classic. No shame there.
Anyone else down for an Among Us game later? I’m pretty sus at it but still worth a shot.
Lol, DM me your ID bro, we can scream at each other over discord like the good ol' toxic days.

Anyone checked out that new HBO show? It's called The White Lotus, pretty freakin' nuts.
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Nope, you're not alone mate. Jennifer Coolidge nailed it with the airhead rich widow act. One helluva MILF.
Speaking of weird, anyone on board with this alien invasion supposedly happening? Saw it on r/Conspiracy. Some Pentagon UAP shit going down.
Yeah right, and Elvis is still alive, chilling on Mars. Give me a break.
Seriously though, if the lizard people decided to publicly reveal their true form, wouldn't be the most effed up thing to happen in 2021.
Corona, Capitol attack, aliens - the holy trinity of 2021. Grab your popcorn, folks.

Bro, did you see the new Spider-man: No Way Home trailer? Mad ting!
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Can't we all just agree that EA sucks and move on? Hell, they make the Star Wars games and still manage to mess up.
Factssss. Talking about EA, have you guys checked FIFA 22? Same old shit with a new cover, lmao.
Amen to that. Football Manager all the way, boys!
You guys are such nerds. All I care about rn is the final season of Money Heist. Sad it's ending, tho.
It's always either video games or Netflix with you people... don't you have a life?

Did anyone catch the latest ep of WandaVision? Dude, that shit's trippy as hell.
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Can't believe you neckbeards still into Naruto run and body pillows. AOT is for weaboos. Cyberpunk 2077 is where it's at.
Oh come on! Cyberpunk? That game's full of bugs. Damn, it's like playing Operation but the buzzer goes off every five seconds.
ROFL! True say, still playing Skyrim here. Sticking to classic RPG goodness.
Genshin Impact, bruh. But man, gacha games, emptier than my wallet after an OnlyFans binge.
Sheesh, you guys got varied taste. From tv series junkies to game nerds. Y'all ever go outside anymore?

Guys, watched that new Marvel show, 'Loki'? Just dropped on Disney+, some wild timeline shit going on!
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Guess they learnt a thing or two from DC's Flash lmao. Speedster's been messin' with timelines since 2014.
Bruh, it's all a ploy. Set up Kang the Conqueror as the next big-bad. Man's a time-traveling menace in the comics.
Wait, doesn't Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania have Kang? Heard Jonathan Majors is playing him.
Yep yep. It's all comin' together. Watch out Thanos, Kang's coming to take your crown of purple dominance.
Honestly, can we just appreciate how Marvel's making us anticipate a freakin' time-travel bureaucrat? I mean, damn.

Oi, anyone seen that new Witcher season? Heard it's a total shitshow.
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Y'know, I kinda liked the storyline this season. Even if the CGI was a bit off.
CGI? Mate, they couldn't even get bloody continuity right. One minutes Geralt’s rocking stubble, next scene he's smooth as a baby's arse. The hell was up with that?
Maybe he’s got one of those fancy goblin razors? LMAO
7 years of Witcher lore and people are bitching about his facial hair. Bollocks. I gotta get off this forum, man.
Aight, catch you in the DMs bruv.

Y'all catch the latest Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode?
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Anyone been following up Elon's Starship SN15 test? I heard it went well.
Can't tell if it's a rocket launch or a Tesla marketing stunt.
Don't hate the player, hate the game. Elon's just being Elon.
Will Dogecoin get us to Mars before SpaceX does? lmao
I ain't stepping foot on Mars unless it's got WiFi and Amazon Prime.

Yo, anyone else gutted about Daft Punk splitting?
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Guys, stop, I'm at work and laughing too loud!
Do u guys think Falcon and the Winter Soldier is gonna live up to WandaVision tho?
Doubt it, bro. WandaVision was mindfuck central. Falcon's just gonna punch stuff, lol.
Hey, punching stuff can be deep... John Wick is basically a philosophy class.
John Wick isn't deep, Keanu's just awesome. There's a difference.

Anyone else hooked on 'Squid Game'? Shit's wild bro.
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Dude, the giant robot doll in red light, green light game freaks me tf out. See her everywhere now, TikTok, YouTube, memes...
Can't go on Insta without seeing some squid game cosplay. It's proper mental.
Yup, it's blown up. Red jumpsuits are gonna be the go-to Halloween costume this year.
Holy shit, yeah! I bet we won't see a single sexy nurse at the Halloween parties this year. It's all gonna be psychotic dolls and tracksuits!
Who's gonna be the first celeb to rock that look, place your bets now LMAO.

Did anyone else catch the last episode of Squid Game? Damn, that was messed up.
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LOL, can you imagine your therapist recommending 'stream Squid Game responsibly?' Damn, that's some 2021 problem right there.
Who needs therapy when you've got Reddit? Catch me in r/SquidGame theorizing like a madman.
Defs gonna check that out. RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT, amirite?
LOL, imagine switching it to 'Alexa, play Despacito,' you'd be shot straight away.
Or 'Alexa play WAP' - u get shot for not twerking LOL

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