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Yo, anyone else gutted about Daft Punk splitting?
Ngl, it's the end of an era man. Still jamming to Around the World.
Daft Punk's gone? Shit, 2021's fucking cancelled. Coronavirus, now this? Cheers, universe!
Lmao, don't jinx it. Next thing you know, Half Life 3 will drop.
Pfft, keep dreaming, it'll still be 'coming soon' when we're on Mars.
Elon's taken us to Mars yet hasn’t named a Tesla ‘thundercougarfalconbird’, what a clown, amirite?
Haha, the only thing I want from Elon right now is Dogecoin at $10. To the moon, baby!
The way things are going, I'm expecting Shrek 5 before Dogecoin hits $10, smh...
Don't you dare disrespect the Shrek saga... we've waited long enough. Give me Shrek or give me death!
Bro, do you know the Muffin Man though?
The Muffin Man?!? Who lives on Drury Lane?
Guys, stop, I'm at work and laughing too loud!
Do u guys think Falcon and the Winter Soldier is gonna live up to WandaVision tho?
Doubt it, bro. WandaVision was mindfuck central. Falcon's just gonna punch stuff, lol.
Hey, punching stuff can be deep... John Wick is basically a philosophy class.
John Wick isn't deep, Keanu's just awesome. There's a difference.
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