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Oi, anyone seen that new Witcher season? Heard it's a total shitshow.
Lmao mate, I couldn't look past Cavill's CGI abs. Only thing binging that show was worthwhile for, tbh.
Netflix just can't get their shit together, can they? Dragged GoT in the mud, now doing it with Witcher. SMH.
Dude, HBO fucked up GoT, not Netflix. You’re mixing up your angst at the wrong execs.
Fuck, you're right. Can't keep track anymore. Feels like every show I like is destined for a shit-tier ending.
Y'know, I kinda liked the storyline this season. Even if the CGI was a bit off.
CGI? Mate, they couldn't even get bloody continuity right. One minutes Geralt’s rocking stubble, next scene he's smooth as a baby's arse. The hell was up with that?
Maybe he’s got one of those fancy goblin razors? LMAO
7 years of Witcher lore and people are bitching about his facial hair. Bollocks. I gotta get off this forum, man.
Aight, catch you in the DMs bruv.
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