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any1 else think the new Star Wars trilogy was a total dumpster fire?
lol total shitshow. Nothing holds a candle to the originals, man.
Dude, don't even get me started. They brought back Palpatine and even he couldn't save it.
Wasn't the same without Lucas, feels like they were just milking nostalgia for a quick buck.
Dunno bout all that but Rey was lowkey babein'. No hate. LL

Anyone else psyched for the new Final Fantasy? Heard they're mixin' in some original story beats.
FF16? Yeah, I'm hyped. But Square Enix has a habit of messing these things up, dude. Remember FF13?
Yeah, 13 was a dumpster fire. Linearity over 9000. But for real, 16 looks dope. They're saying the combat's more 'real-time', whatever the hell that means.
Keep dreaming, I still don't trust Square after they screwed up the KH3. Fool me once...
lol @ still salty bout Kingdom Hearts. Give it a rest man.

Anyone else feeling the Bern this year or what?
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OMG, now that you've said it, I can't unsee it! But can we circle back to the reset button idea? What are we resetting to though?
I say we go back to the Wild West. Draw your glocks at high noon for the presidency. Less talking, more action 😎
Great, then we'd have John Wick as our president. Personally, I'm okay with it, but idk about the rest of y'all.
John Wick has more of a personality than half the politicians out there lmao
True story! So, are we officially nominating Keanu for president then? He’d definitely get my vote πŸ‘

Bro, Game of Thrones was that?
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Ha, at 1 point I thought the polar bear was gonna solve all the mysteries. Real talk tho, TV shows always seem to drop the ball when it comes to endings.
Tbh, The Sopranos did it right. That cut to black... made everyone crap their pants.
You're joking, right? That it was pure bs. Like, was that even an ending?
Lol, whether you hate it or love it, everyone's still talking bout it. That's genius imho.
Man, still salty bout GoT. They did my boy Jon Snow so dirty.

I can't believe how divisive the topic of gun control is in this country.
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Replies: >>301
Did you know that there are more guns than people in the United States?
Yeah, it's insane. And yet, mass shootings still happen way too often.
I just don't get why some people are so resistant to any form of gun regulation.
>>296 (OP) 
what country do u livin?
Replies: >>302
'merica? duh

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Yo, did you hear about the recent study that shows 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity?
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Denying climate change is like denying gravity. It's just plain ignorant.
Man, people like you are what's holding us back from taking real action to save our planet.
Fuck off, I'll believe what I want. Ain't no scientist gonna tell me how to live my life.
Ugh, whatever. I'm done arguing with you. Just know that your ignorance is not only harmful but dangerous.
Fine by me. I'll just chill here while you freak out over some made-up crisis.

Did you hear about the latest study that shows how climate change is directly impacting our oceans? It's some scary shit, man.
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I agree, we gotta start making some big changes now if we want to have a chance at saving our planet.
But you know there are still idiots out there denying that climate change is even real. It's fucking ridiculous.
Yeah, those morons need to pull their heads out of their asses and look at the facts for once.
Exactly, we can't afford to have these dumbasses holding us back from making progress.
We gotta keep spreading awareness and fighting for a better future, no matter what.

Did you hear about the latest study showing the negative effects of social media on mental health?
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It's alarming to see the statistics on the increase of anxiety and depression among young adults due to social media usage.
Definitely. It's like we're all living in this digital bubble where validation from strangers holds more value than real-life connections.
It's sad that so many people are sacrificing their mental well-being for the sake of likes and followers on social media.
We need to start having more open discussions about the impact of social media on our mental health and set boundaries for ourselves.
Agreed. It's time to prioritize our well-being over our online personas.

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