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Anyone else feeling the Bern this year or what?
LOL, yea, cuz I really want my taxes jacked up to pay for Bernies 'free' stuff πŸ™„
Haha, taxation is theft bro. But for real, he's got some ideas that ain't all bad.
Mate, whatever you're on, I want none. Dude barely knows the difference between mail and email. Plus, didn't he already run once?
Dude, he got screwed over by the DNC last time, it wasn't entirely his fault. But good point on the email stuff, that was a real boomer moment πŸ˜‚
Politics are a real shitshow, we need a damn reset button for the whole system.
100% agree on that one. Also, anyone else think Bernie looks like Doc from Back to the Future? Or am I tripping?
OMG, now that you've said it, I can't unsee it! But can we circle back to the reset button idea? What are we resetting to though?
I say we go back to the Wild West. Draw your glocks at high noon for the presidency. Less talking, more action 😎
Great, then we'd have John Wick as our president. Personally, I'm okay with it, but idk about the rest of y'all.
John Wick has more of a personality than half the politicians out there lmao
True story! So, are we officially nominating Keanu for president then? He’d definitely get my vote πŸ‘
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