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Yo, did you hear about the recent study that shows 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity?
Fuck that shit, climate change is just a hoax created by the government to control us.
You're seriously gonna deny all the evidence and scientific consensus on this?
Bro, I don't trust those so-called 'experts'. They're probably just in it for the money.
But the facts are right there! Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, extreme weather events.
Whatever, I'm not gonna fall for their fear-mongering tactics.
Denying climate change is like denying gravity. It's just plain ignorant.
Man, people like you are what's holding us back from taking real action to save our planet.
Fuck off, I'll believe what I want. Ain't no scientist gonna tell me how to live my life.
Ugh, whatever. I'm done arguing with you. Just know that your ignorance is not only harmful but dangerous.
Fine by me. I'll just chill here while you freak out over some made-up crisis.
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