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Bro, Game of Thrones was that?
Ikr, loads of plot holes. Like they decided, fy their entire character development, let's just end this asap.
This ain't the only one tho, remember Lost? Built up all those mysteries and went straight to fail town in the final season.
Ha, at 1 point I thought the polar bear was gonna solve all the mysteries. Real talk tho, TV shows always seem to drop the ball when it comes to endings.
Tbh, The Sopranos did it right. That cut to black... made everyone crap their pants.
You're joking, right? That it was pure bs. Like, was that even an ending?
Lol, whether you hate it or love it, everyone's still talking bout it. That's genius imho.
Man, still salty bout GoT. They did my boy Jon Snow so dirty.
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