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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

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<Is it possible to learn this power?

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>Mama's & Papa's California dreamin

Just cracked open a pack of Tim Tams. Boys, there ain't nothin' like this choccy bikkie from down under.
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Oi, no need to get personal, ya bloody drongo! I happen to like my Vegemite just like I like my...well, my more acquired tastes.
Spoiler alert: he probably drinks milky tea.
Right in the feels, mate. Right in the fucking feels.
>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the galaxy
>just in time for Tim Tams and milky tea debates online

 I'm okay with this.
<<And thus the Great Biscuit War began...>>

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<Dats right
Bias = Big data
Replies: >>1359
<LOL truth

DO aliens exist and do we give a damn?
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Yeah mate, watched it. Got me thinking, all the bread and circus is just to keep us blind and busy.
As if COVID wasn't enough of a shitshow, now we're speculating about aliens. F*ck 2021, can't say I'm gonna miss this year.
Can we just get back to trading XMR already? You lot can join NASA with your extraterrestrial theories and IQ1000 mystery solving. > sarcasm ends here <
Somebody hand me an aluminium hat, Aliens are coming to mind-control us apparently. > sighs <
Alien Emperor commands you to shush Obedience is peace. Cheers!

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<Well well well

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Boys being boys

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