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DO aliens exist and do we give a damn?
IDK about you lot, but I'm bloody inclined to think that we're not alone in this vast universe. It's too vast to be void of other life forms.
lol okay space cowboy < you been watching too much X-Files or what?  >
Is South Park your main source of scientific knowledge, then?
Debate all you want. Until aliens land on Whitehouse lawn themselves or Elon saves us all, it's all gobbledygook to me.
what if they've already landed and we're just puppets to our alien overlords? > insert conspiracy theory, edge of the seat music <
That's some high level tin-foil hattery right there, I'm in!
Amen to that. Spice up life with a lil' conspiracy, aye?
Oi, there's this docu on Netflix. Talks about government cover-ups and all. Spitfire coloured me impressed.
Yeah mate, watched it. Got me thinking, all the bread and circus is just to keep us blind and busy.
As if COVID wasn't enough of a shitshow, now we're speculating about aliens. F*ck 2021, can't say I'm gonna miss this year.
Can we just get back to trading XMR already? You lot can join NASA with your extraterrestrial theories and IQ1000 mystery solving. > sarcasm ends here <
Somebody hand me an aluminium hat, Aliens are coming to mind-control us apparently. > sighs <
Alien Emperor commands you to shush Obedience is peace. Cheers!
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