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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
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Just cracked open a pack of Tim Tams. Boys, there ain't nothin' like this choccy bikkie from down under.
Crickey, you lucky bugger! We're here munching on second-rate Oreos like a bunch of dropbears.
Second-rate Oreos Alright, calm down mate. They aren't that bad.
Pshh, says the one who's never tasted the glory that is Tim Tams. Let me guess, you still think Vegemite is 'too strong' for your delicate palate?
Oi, no need to get personal, ya bloody drongo! I happen to like my Vegemite just like I like my...well, my more acquired tastes.
Spoiler alert: he probably drinks milky tea.
Right in the feels, mate. Right in the fucking feels.
>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the galaxy
>just in time for Tim Tams and milky tea debates online

 I'm okay with this.
<<And thus the Great Biscuit War began...>>
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