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Bro, did you see the new Spider-man: No Way Home trailer? Mad ting!
Hell yeah, dude! Imma be first in line when it drops. That Doc Ock return tho...
Lmao, spoilers much? Not everyone's up to speed, mate.
Chill, it's literally in the trailer. But yeah, movie looks lit. Gonna be worth it.
On another note, anyone playing that new CoD: Vanguard? Shit's addictive, man.
CoD is recycled garbage, bro. Been playing Halo Infinite, now that's next level.
Preach brother! I'm a Battlefield dude myself, but ain't no denying Halo Infinite is fire rn.
WTF? Why are there always arguments between CoD and Battlefield players? Just enjoy your own thing, lads.
Can't we all just agree that EA sucks and move on? Hell, they make the Star Wars games and still manage to mess up.
Factssss. Talking about EA, have you guys checked FIFA 22? Same old shit with a new cover, lmao.
Amen to that. Football Manager all the way, boys!
You guys are such nerds. All I care about rn is the final season of Money Heist. Sad it's ending, tho.
It's always either video games or Netflix with you people... don't you have a life?
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