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Yo, you guys see that shit about AI getting outta hand? We’re so screwed.
Yeah, no shit. I read that OpenAI laid off a bunch of people, and now they’re scrambling to keep control. Meanwhile, AI is making deepfakes that look more real than the news.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give a computer the keys to the kingdom? We’ve got idiots like Elon Musk saying “AI will save humanity” while it’s out here wrecking jobs and screwing with elections. Clown world, man.
It’s not just that. These AIs are writing books, making art, and doing coding faster than any human could. And people are losing their shit because they’re getting replaced by a fucking machine. It’s the beginning of Skynet, bro.
Yeah, but it’s not just Skynet-level scary. It’s the social media manipulation, the propaganda. You can’t even trust what you see anymore. Everything could be AI-generated bullshit, and half the world wouldn’t even notice.
We’re all gonna end up as slaves to the algorithm. This tech is gonna make the rich richer and screw over the rest of us. We’re on a one-way ticket to dystopia, and no one’s pumping the brakes.
Facts. At this rate, we’ll be begging the machines to keep us around as pets. This shit’s gotten way out of control, and there’s no going back.
Doomed, man. Absolutely fucked. And the worst part? No one in power gives a shit as long as they’re cashing in.
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