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Anybody else following the Gamestop stocks drama?
Dude, it's wild seeing Redditors bring Wall Street to its knees lol
It's hilarious to see those suits whining 'bout 'market manipulation' when that's what they do on a daily basis.
True AF. Wall Street has been playing by a different set of rules for decades. Tables turned now, huh? Anyway, anyone watched WandaVision yet?
Ah yes, I've been keeping up with it. The sitcom format is legit fresh. Never thought Marvel'd pull something like that off.
No spoilers, bro. I'm on episode 2. Heard it picks up around episode 4.
Ya'll are just wasting time. Anime is where it's at. Just finished Attack on Titan, next level stuff!
Cringe. You're one of those weaboos, aren’t ya?
LOL. What next? Gonna ask us to join your Naruto manga club? Pfft...
Naah, I ain't into that hand waving Naruto crap. Gimme some Death Note shit any day.
Lel, you guys remember when Keanu Reeves was rumoured to play in the Death Note adaptation? Totally would've watched then.
Whoa, wait a sec! Apologies if I'm behind, but what's the deal with Keanu and Cyberpunk 2077? Been away from gaming scene for a while.
Nah, you ain't missing out on much. CD Projekt Red kinda screwed up with Cyberpunk's release. Keanu's still a gem tho.
What a bungle tho, especially after Witcher 3. Heard they're still patching up glitches.
Damn, this reminds me of the No Man's Sky debacle, remember?
So it's gonna be the 'No Man's Sky comeback story' but replace 'Hello Games' with 'CD Projekt Red', huh?
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