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Bro did you catch the new Batman flick yet?
Nah, been out of the loop recently. Is it any good?
Fkin brilliant, dude. Pattinson really pulled off the dark brooder.
Yeah? I heard it was sorta emo, though.
It's dark not emo, get your shit straight. What you'd expect a Batman movie to be, full of rainbows and unicorn farts?
LoL. Chill bro. Okay gotta admit, Batman can be moody af. Rivaled only by my ex, y'know?
Hahaha damn, dragging your ex into Gotham huh, savage.
Damn straight. Anyway, I'll probably watch it this weekend. Saw any other cool shit recently?
Check out Elden Ring. Game's kicking my ass, but it's fkin addicting man.
Souls-like? Seriously, that's not my jam bro.
Dude, you're missing out. Bit of a learning curve, but it's rewarding af when you git gud.
Meh, I'll stick to CoD, thank you very much. Love me some noob roasting.
Your choice, man. Though Elden Ring gives a diff kind of thrill.
Whatever flips your pancake, mate. Hit me up in DMs later.
Sure thing. Later.
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