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Alright, hypothetical scenario for ya, mates. What would you do if the internet just fuckin' vanished overnight?
Prolly start reading books again, like some kind of ancient caveman.
I'd finally get those 8 hours of sleep doctors keep flipping yammering about.
Plot Twist Brick and mortar video stores become billion dollar industries overnight.
< Holy shit, imagine the rebirth of Blockbuster lmao.
> implying Blockbuster could have survived the initial internet craze, much less a hypothetical post-internet world.
Man, I'd actually have to talk to people in person. The horror.
Mass Panic Ensues Imagine all those influencers suddenly out of a job.
I'd just go about with my day. Seriously, the internet is not the be all and end all. Get a grip, folks.
I'd start working on my apocalyptic bunker. It's pretty obvious that's a sign of the end times right there.
I'd get a life probably suffer from severe withdrawal and then be forced to interact with the real world.
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