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Yo guys, anyone else pissed about the GOT finale? I mean it's been 2 years, and I'm still not over it.
'Brah, let it go already. I'm more bothered about the last Star Wars movie. They butchered it.'
True that, the Star Wars finale was off. But GOT? That was a new level of disgrace.
The finale where they just destroyed every character progression and storyline in a single season.
Honestly, after season 5, GOT went downhill. But yeah, S8 was a complete shitshow, no cap.
Still better than watching TikTok vids all day. Now, that's real mental torture.
You take that back! Tiktok has its moments.
Shut up TikTok simp.
Better than being a keyboard warrior, bro.
Ugh. Can we all agree that mainstream media suck and go back to our basements?
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