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Anyone else think the whole NFT craze is just a big frickin scam?
Lmao, bro, legit thought that was some sort of STD when I first saw it 😂
Naaah, my buddy cashed out 5k from flipping some pixel art crap. Doesn't seem like a scam to me.
Yeah, right. And my nan beat Dark Souls with a guitar hero controller.
Wait, you mean Non-Fungible-Whatevers? Ain’t that like digital art collecting or sth?
Pretty much, but fueled by bored millionaires and tech nerds with too much bitcoin. It’s like Beanie Babies on steroids and blockchain.
Speaking of bitcoins, Elon's tweets are like friggin' magic wand for the market eh?
Elon should stick to making cars and rockets lmao, leave the crypto to us normies.
C'mon guys, who wouldn't want to own a tradable tweet by the Dogefather lol.
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