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LOL, anyone else up at this ungodly hour binging 'Stranger Things' again? Damn, that show is just sick.
Haha mate, you're late af. Finished my binge yesterday. That Russian dude totally cracks me up.
Yup, Alexei was gold, mate! RIP, our Slurpee King 😭. BTW, anyone catch the latest update on that COVID variant?
God, not again. I can't keep up with all these damn names alpha, beta, delta, gamma. Feels like studying for some fkin nerd test.
Heard reports about some Lambda variant now. It's like Greeks have invaded the virus world or smth.
People, stfu about the greek shit. It's 2 a.m. here and I just got my ass handed to me in 'League of Legends.' FML!
LOL, git gud scrub. Don't blame your sucking on the time zone. BTW, anyone got any sick CoD: Warzone strats?
Hey, quit gaming for a moment, did ya heard about Bezos riding his phallic rocket to space? Crazy sht right there.
Haha yeah, what a dick move! Guy's got more money than he knows what to do with. Meanwhile, I can't even afford my Netflix sub ffs.
No shit, right? One sec we scraping for gas money, next sec we got megabillionaires doing space tourism. If only they'd sort out the damn climate.
While we complain they're sipping martinis in zero gravity. FML. BTW, anyone checked the new 'Black Widow'? Any good, or just Marvel milking it?
Watched it. IMO, it was all right. Nothing mind-blowing. Kinda underwhelming for Scar-Jo's standalone film tbh.
Idk man, felt bad for Taskmaster. Totally ruined the character for me. Anyway, gtg. My stomach's doing the Macarena after that 2 a.m. pizza plunge.
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